Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Making my video resume - Video production - Part4

A rule of 3
Each scene of a tonic video should not exceed a pitch of 3 sentences.


You must consider two aspects:

              1- Vision
Our eyes are used to quick changes. For the comfort of your viewer, you should insert:

- A smooth screen transition effect between scenes. The ones I use most often are cross dissolve and fade to black/white.

- A common object or word between successive scenes.

For example, in my video resume, I finish the coffee scene by mentioning the Virgin Group before talking about Sir Richard Branson.
Another example: in the "Why social recruiting?" section, notice the symmetry between the shootage of "on one hand" and "on the other hand," made with:
                - black/white background colour
                - same layouts
                - number on the door

               2 - Hearing
Our ears are much more sensitive and less tolerant.

Among the comments from friends watching the beta version of my video resume, one of the harshest was, "The voice sync is Horrible…it is constantly throwing me off."

Please make sure to have high-quality audio. People are likely to tolerate poor image quality, but they will not show mercy to painful audio. I highly recommend:
- Renting a directional mic

The length of your video
Hiring managers spend an average of 2 minutes watching the top candidates’ videos.

I got that statistic by compiling results using the:
RecruitLoop platform, which records videos of candidates giving online interviews with pre-set questions. 
After logging into the RecruitLoop platform, candidates answer a list of questions we have pre-entered into the system. Their responses have a time limit. They have one chance to answer each question. Remote interviews offer flexibility for both parties, solving the time difference complexity of international recruitment.

- The excellent book, "Job searching with social media for dummies" - Joshua Waldman

- My own video resume’s YouTube Analytics after 215 views

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Author - Kevin Simonnet

Monday, July 15, 2013

Making my video resume - Part3

I have previously explained the difference between the image and the perception. Accordingly, remember that the form is just as important as its content.

The content
You want to produce the highest-impact content. 

The first 15 seconds are vital!
Please do not assume that 2 minutes is short enough for people not to lose interest on the way.

The partition of our attention
Each person’s attention span is (unconsciously) set for each different type of media. Reading an article takes longer than listening to someone discussing it. Same with video: on top of the audio, the images tell much longer than plain text!

This makes video one of the most integrated communication channels. As a result, it’s the one that makes us switch our attention most quickly.

You have to hook your viewers from the start!

What works better than humour?

My way of hooking viewers’ attention was through humour. That is a double-edged sword. However, I think I like taking the risk! The higher the bet, the higher the gain.

Ultimately, it would give true insight into my personality. I dared to use the Star Wars joke, and so far, people like it!

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below
Author - Kevin Simonnet

Monday, July 8, 2013

Making my video resume - Part2

What impact do you want to have?

The end result of this video is to communicate your 
(personal) brand. Once you have determined the five main aspects of your brand, you have to make them shine through this media.

ie: Setting up the microphone before a presentation

Understand the power of visual media

Human is much more of a visual creaturethis media is the most effective.

Be right at the 1st sight
Allow people to "meet with you" online. This technique replaces the first impression you make when meeting in person.

You only get one chance to make a long-lasting impression built on assumptions from the viewer’s unconscious analysis.

What is the message?
A video resume allows you to showcase your attributes, such as:
- Presentation skills
- Leadership presence
- Creativity
- Pro-activity
- Fondness for innovation
- Professional presence
and so forth!

Because  this media is utmost impactful, it can show to your next boss who you are and what working with you is like.

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Author - Kevin Simonnet