Saturday, July 14, 2012

Networking strategy - Part6

  1. The introducer
How to consider your introducer

Great chance is that he knows about this company or even recommends another informer.
Generally, your introducer will be someone you know, at least an acquaintance.

That allows you to be more comfortable at soliciting help, asking underlying questions on an informal basis. But this is no reason to under consider him: pay as much attention to the introducer as to your target person!

Be careful to respect a reasonable distance.

5 gifts to offer

  • Deserve it!

By asking the person to pass on your introduction, you’re asking him to put his credibility on the line for you, meaning he potentially put his reputation at risk.
You have to consider it realistically and before asking, think whether this person has sufficient elements to introduce you and reliable reasons to trust you.

If not, then you may set this person has your new intermediary target. And scroll back to the 1- The informer to find an informational introducer to this person.

If you’re still there, then consider the interest of your introducer: why would he do this?
  • Image or "personal brand"
Through you, it is his image that you represent. In accordance, you have to reassure him that you will “promote” him in a decent way. It can be by being professional, respectful and.. successful ! at your interview.
I mean, the outcome doesn’t necessarily have to be that you are offered the job, but it can also be that you appeared to be a great person that is worth to know and have in a network.
  • Interest
Moreover, one of the purposes of relationship is sharing interests. You have to bear in mind this win-win outcome. You have to bring something to the table. It can be a project you’re working on, an opportunity of business … or simply, but not the least, your great personality.
  • Underlying question
Great chances are that your introducer knows about the company. At least, you can validate the perception you have from investigating online.
It may appear that the introducer you wanted to reach is not actually the more appropriate person. And then be re-geared to another one.
  • Informality and fun!
Even if it is more likely to state on a friendly basis, you still have to be professional. Think about the image you give him, that might whether give him the final assurance to help you  …or not.

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Author: Kevin Simonnet

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