Thursday, December 13, 2012

Business networking rules - Part2

People expect from you being:
- interesting
As I said, we are bombarded with too much information. means also, that people are desperately looking for a valuable source of information. Be specific, accurate, consistent and concise

- good looking
Appearance is a crucial. Human is a visual creature. If you offer a nice image of you on the web to your audience, you have satisfied to a great expectation

- genuine
By entering the world of social media you expose yourself by bringing your authentic self to the table. The purpose of "social" media is above all to instil a personal bite. Don't be shy show some personality and give a piece of your

- reliable
You have to deliver what you promised at the time you promised

- listening
Respect the time people give you for advise, information, knowledge etc by always jotting notes, not necessarily on a book: you have plenty of media to do so! 
As well, information is at hand and researching someone online before interacting will get you respect

- positive
People are fond of fresh and smiley attitude. Even if complains can sometimes be justified, you should not sit on, but move on

- proactive
As I said, your dream job is at hand waiting for you. But you have got to make it happen. Broaden your networks via forums, blogs, events etc and think of how you can articulate those people together

- "connecting people" - Nokia.
Wherever you can offer your help, make introduction, link like-minded people, share articles that someone may like, go for it.

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Author - Kevin Simonnet

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Business networking rules - Part1

The protocol
Online networking is pretty recent to those last years. Even professionals in communication/marketing still make (huge) mistakes. We are experimenting a new way of communication and rules are still formalising as we go.
But there are some fundamentals:

- ignore the rules of the group. For example, recruiters post job ads in the common news feed. This is perceived as flooding, irreverent and commercially aggressive

- pester. Just as you wouldn't do in real life with phone calls, consider the fact that we are nowadays bombarded with too much information. And we just lack time and sometimes the energy to respond.
Leave at least 1 week before following up and offer a solution to your contact's busy schedule: put yourself in their position and suggest several slots

- shout. Using CAPS LOCK is like shouting. No one likes to be shouted at

- beg. Networking isn't about you; but them. Like the old saying that goes: "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar", don't come across as desperate. Instead demonstrate your passion and offer your help

- accept someone in your networks without a notice. Ask the new comer in what way you could be of an help. That will also be a reminder about how you met

- add someone without an introduction. You know how intrusive it can be to receive a connection request  from someone you never heard of!

Please consider sending at least a message before. Anyhow, if you follow the methodology I give you, you should not even think about it! :D

Author - Kevin Simonnet
Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.